Latest Episodes

Can Better Governance Deliver Better Government? And Early In A Career, Can You Contribute?
In Part 2 of our discussion, Richard Spires talks about the subject of his upcoming book - running government programs effectively and efficiently. We...

Organizations Might Benefit By Zero Trust For IT Security, But They Need A Trusted Environment For IT Projects. Part 1 Of My Conversation With Richard Spires.
If you're not a technologist (I'm not), you might think success in a technology field hinges on technical knowledge. Technologists know exactly which technical...

Can A "Same Page" Emerge If We Manifest It With Others? Susan Parente Says, "Yes."
When I teased Susan Parente about the eight designations behind her name - eight! - her response said a lot about her. She laughed...

Another Admirable Bundle of Contradictions - Part 2
This episode begins with Lola Stith and I recounting a time when, as a company exec, I turned down an offer of help from...

Another Admirable Bundle Of Contradictions - Part 1
Meet Lola Stith and she's quiet, unassuming, cooperative, hard to read. Know Lola and she's focused, determined, uncannily perceptive, catch-you-off guard funny, and perceptive....

I Might Have A Master's Degree In Conflict Resolution, But This Guy's A Master At Resolving Conflicts!
I love knowing people who don't fit typecasts. Analytic types good with emotion. Tough leaders who care for their people. I love working with...