"I See What You Mean" is a weekly interview-style podcast about what it means to be on the same page with someone at work, at home, and in our communities. I talk to people from all walks of life to get different perspectives on how and why we get on a same page, or don't. How and why we stay there, or don't. And what to do when we can't - or shouldn't - be on the same page with someone.
I'm especially intrigued by what the show title refers to - those ahh-ha! moments when a flash of insight makes it clear what someone means by what they say. Whether or not we agree with someone, understanding what they understand the way they understand it, and vice versa, is an honorable and respectful starting place - even if we stay on our own pages.
Listen to the trailer to see if you like what you hear. If nothing else, I think you'll enjoy the cool intro and outro blues music ;)
Best to you and yours,
Getting on the same page is a significant challenge in Federal government contracting. Experts from government and industry - numbering from a few to...
Shit happens. Living a principled life doesn't. One works hard to truly live their values and my guest this episode, Amy Fadida, is one...
Florida State Rep. Susan Valdes knows a few things about getting people on the same page. She's served the greater Tampa area in elected...